Selasa, 23 November 2010

BOY-Quotes :)

Inside every hardened criminal beats the heart of a ten-year-old boy. 
Bart Simpson

When I grow up I want to be a little boy.
Joseph Heller

Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the trees. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples that are on the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think there is something wrong with them, when, in reality, they are amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.
Author Unknown

What is genius? - It is the power to be a boy again at will.
James Matthew Barrie

No one knows how it is that with one glance a boy can break through into a girl's heart.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Of all the animals, the boy is the most unmanageable.

Peter Griffin [holding crying baby after Carol has given birth]: It's a beautiful baby girl!
Carol Pewterschmidt: Ooh, a baby girl! I'm so happy! 
Peter Griffin: But she has a penis. Well, we'll have to do something about that [Picks up scalpel.]
Lois Griffin [taking scalpel away]: Peter, no! It's a boy.
Family Guy
Animated TV series

The boy is father to the man.

The boy gathers materials for a temple, and then when he is thirty, concludes to build a woodshed.
Henry David Thoreau

You've got the brain of a four-year-old boy, and I bet he was glad to get rid of it.
Groucho Marx

There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it.
C.S. Lewis

The code of the schoolyard, Marge! The rules that teach a boy to be a man. Let's see. Don't tattle. Always make fun of those different from you. Never say anything, unless you're sure everyone feels exactly the same way you do.
Homer Simpson

See things from the boy's point of view.
Robert Baden-Powell

People think that I must be a very strange person. This is not correct. I have the heart of a small boy. It is in a glass jar on my desk.
Stephen King

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

There isn't any symbolism. The sea is the sea. The old man is an old man. The boy is a boy and the fish is a fish. The shark are all sharks no better and no worse. All the symbolism that people say is shit. What goes beyond is what you see beyond when you know.
Ernest Hemingway

It is rare that one can see in a little boy the promise of a man, but one can almost always see in a little girl the threat of a woman.
Alexandre Dumas

Everybody's journey is individual. If you fall in love with a boy, you fall in love with a boy. The fact that many Americans consider it a disease says more about them than it does about homosexuality.
James Arthur Baldwin

When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it.
Clarence Darrow

When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.
Author Unknown
Often erroneously attributed to Mark Twain

I was so poor growing up - if I wasn't a boy - I'd have had nothing to play with.
Rodney Dangerfield
Don't mess with the dead, boy, they have eerie powers.
Homer Simpson

Baseball gives every American boy a chance to excel, not just to be as good as someone else but to be better than someone else. This is the nature of man and the name of the game.
Ted Williams

The spirit is there in every boy; it has to be discovered and brought to light.
Robert Baden-Powell

A boy is naturally full of humor.
Robert Baden-Powell

A boy can learn a lot from a dog: obedience, loyalty, and the importance of turning around three times before lying down.
Robert Benchley

A boy carries out suggestions more wholeheartedly when he understands their aim.
Robert Baden-Powell

Boys frustrate me. I hate all their indirect messages, I hate game playing. Do you like me or don't you? Just tell me so I can get over you. 
Kirsten Dunst
American Actress

Boys will be boys. And even that wouldn't matter if only we could prevent girls from being girls.
Anne Frank 

A boy is a magical creature - you can lock him out of your workshop, but you can't lock him out of your heart. 
Allan Beck

Boys are beyond the range of anybody's sure understanding, at least when they are between the ages of 18 months and 90 years.
James Thurber

One of the best things in the world to be is a boy; it requires no experience, but needs some practice to be a good one.
Charles Dudley Warner

There comes a time in every rightly constructed boy's life that he has a raging desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.
Mark Twain

Some parents say it is toy guns that make boys warlike. But give a boy a rubber duck and he will seize its neck like the butt of a pistol and shout "Bang!"
George F. Will
American editor and news commentator

The boy who expects every morning to open into a new world finds that today is like yesterday, but he believes tomorrow will be different
Charles Dudley Warner
American Editor and Author

Every genuine boy is a rebel and an anarch. If he were allowed to develop according to his own instincts, his own inclinations, society would undergo such a radical transformation as to make the adult revolutionary cower and cringe.
John Andrew Holmes

A boy cannot begin playing ball too early. I might almost say that while he is still creeping on all fours he should have a bouncing rubber ball.
Christy Mathewson
American Baseball Player

Boys are sent out into the world to buffet with its temptations, to mingle with bad and good, to govern and direct - girls are to dwell in quiet homes among few friends, to exercise a noiseless influence.
Elizabeth Missing Sewell

The boys are in such a mood that if someone introduced the Ten Commandments, they'd cut them down to seven.
Norris Cotton

Boys and young men acquire readily the moral sentiments of their social milieu, whatever these sentiments may be.
Bertrand Russell

The moment a little boy is concerned with which is a jay and which is a sparrow, he can no longer see the birds or hear them sing.
Eric Berne

In boys and girls alike, and in more of their elders, perhaps, than we suspect, the affection for dolls is chiefly an aspect of the social sense and an example of the pleasure we all take in projecting our own personalities and in controlling the lives of others.
Odell Shepard

American boys should not be seen dying on the nightly news. Wars should be over in three days or less, or before Congress invokes the War Powers Resolution.
Evan Thomas

As a boy I remember how terribly real the statues of the saints would seem at 7 o'clock Mass-before I'd had breakfast. From that I learned always to conduct hungry.
Leopold Stokowski

Senin, 22 November 2010

Family Quotes

I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich.  ~Dan Wilcox and Thad Mumford, "Identity Crisis," M*A*S*H

Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life!  ~Albert Einstein

It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons.  ~Johann Schiller

The family is a haven in a heartless world.  ~Attributed to Christopher Lasch

Nobody has ever before asked the nuclear family to live all by itself in a box the way we do.  With no relatives, no support, we've put it in an impossible situation.  ~Margaret Mead

Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts.  ~Author Unknown

The thing about family disasters is that you never have to wait long before the next one puts the previous one into perspective.  ~Robert Brault,

If you don't believe in ghosts, you've never been to a family reunion.  ~Ashleigh Brilliant

We all grow up with the weight of history on us.  Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of our bodies.  ~Shirley Abbott

Family:  A social unit where the father is concerned with parking space, the children with outer space, and the mother with closet space.  ~Evan Esar

A family is a unit composed not only of children but of men, women, an occasional animal, and the common cold.  ~Ogden Nash

The family.  We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.  ~Erma Bombeck

When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses.  ~Joyce Brothers

In some families, please is described as the magic word.  In our house, however, it was sorry.  ~Margaret Laurence

Family quarrels have a total bitterness unmatched by others.  Yet it sometimes happens that they also have a kind of tang, a pleasantness beneath the unpleasantness, based on the tacit understanding that this is not for keeps; that any limb you climb out on will still be there later for you to climb back.  ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960

You don't choose your family.  They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.  ~Desmond Tutu

An ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship.  ~Spanish Proverb

Blood's thicker than water, and when one's in trouble
Best to seek out a relative's open arms.
~Author Unknown

The happiness of the domestic fireside is the first boon of Heaven; and it is well it is so, since it is that which is the lot of the mass of mankind.  ~Thomas Jefferson, 1813

To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.  ~Barbara Bush

When our relatives are at home, we have to think of all their good points or it would be impossible to endure them.  ~George Bernard Shaw

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family.  Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.  ~Jane Howard

fashion Quotes

A confidence problem exists on the part of the people of the region who desire democratic rule in principle, but remain suspicious of both the fashion with which democratization is presented and the purposes of the democratic world.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan

A fair question could be posed in this fashion: If people are not obeying existing laws, what makes us think they would obey any new laws?
J. D. Hayworth

A fashion is nothing but an induced epidemic.
George Bernard Shaw

A good model can advance fashion by ten years.
Yves Saint Laurent

A human being is a being who is constantly 'under construction,' but also, in a parallel fashion, always in a state of constant destruction.
Jose Saramago

All the sculptures of today, like those of the past, will end one day in pieces... So it is important to fashion ones work carefully in its smallest recess and charge every particle of matter with life.
Alberto Giacometti

An Adult faith does not follow the waves of fashion and the latest novelties.
Pope Benedict XVI

An Adult faith does not follow the waves of fashion and the latest novelties.
Joseph Ratzinger

And an integrated life is one where you're able to fit the different pieces of your life together in seamless fashion.
James Collins

And we have not found any generational gap at all. If he wants to go a football game, he goes. If I want to go to a fashion show, I go. We don't have to do everything together. But we like doing most things together.
Joan Collins

And you know, the baby boomers are getting older, and those off the rack clothes are just not fitting right any longer, and so, tailor-made suits are coming back into fashion.
Amy Irving

Art is subject to arbitrary fashion.
Kary Mullis

Art produces ugly things which frequently become more beautiful with time. Fashion, on the other hand, produces beautiful things which always become ugly with time.
Jean Cocteau

As a fashion designer, I was always aware that I was not an artist, because I was creating something that was made to be sold, marketed, used, and ultimately discarded.
Tom Ford

As we read the school reports on our children, we realize a sense of relief that can rise to delight that thank Heaven nobody is reporting in this fashion on us.
Joseph Priestley

Be sure what you want and be sure about yourself. Fashion is not just beauty, it's about good attitude. You have to believe in yourself and be strong.
Adriana Lima

Beauty is composed of an eternal, invariable element whose quantity is extremely difficult to determine, and a relative element which might be, either by turns or all at once, period, fashion, moral, passion.
Jean-Luc Godard

Because of the fashion, the young people don't have any access to the history of music, unless people like me revive it. There are very few people to revive it, because you can't earn any money doing it.
Bill Wyman

Because of the many dimensions of forms of though which you can also put into physical form, you have the possibility to create much which we cannot fashion in the same manner.
Hans Bender

Before the reader turns his back upon the Grand Basin once for all, I should like to put a name upon the glacier it contains - since it is the fashion to name glaciers.
Hudson Stuck
Growing up is never easy. You hold on to things that were. You wonder what's to come. But that night, I think we knew it was time to let go of what had been, and look ahead to what would be. Other days. New days. Days to come. The thing is, we didn't have to hate each other for getting older. We just had to forgive ourselves... for growing up. - 'The Wonder Years', Television Series.

We grow neither better nor worse as we get old, but more like ourselves . - May Lamberton Becker .

The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise. - Alden Nowlan.

If you're gonna screw up, do it while you're young. Older you get, the harder it is to bounce back. - Winston Groom.

You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was. - Abraham Lincoln. (Read some more Abraham Lincoln quotes.)

Too many people grow up. That's the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. They don't remember what it's like to be 12 years old. They patronize, they treat children as inferiors. Well I won't do that. - Walt Disney.

A grownup is a child with layers on. - Woody Harrelson.

I should mention that while I was growing up, Einstein was presented as a worthy role model for a young boy who was good at his studies. - Sidney Altman.

It is only because of problems that we grow mentally and spiritually. - M. Scott Peck .

I've heard that it's possible to grow up - I've just never met anyone who's actually done it. Without parents to defy, we break the rules we make for ourselves. We throw tantrums when things don't go our way, we whisper secrets with our best friends in the dark, we look for comfort where we can find it, and we hope - against all logic, against all experience. Like children, we never give up hope... - Meredith Grey.

Minggu, 21 November 2010

friendship quotes

"Thy friendship oft has made my heart to ache: do be my enemy for friendship's sake."
- William Blake, sent in by Lauren
"Tell me what company thou keepst, and I'll tell thee what thou art."
- Miguel de Cervantes (1547 - 1616) Spanish novelist.
"Have no friends not equal to yourself."
- Confucious (551 - 497 BC) Chinese philosopher.
"Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends."
- Jacques Delille (1738 - 1813) French poet.
"A Friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of Nature."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) US poet & essayist.
"Keep your friendships in repair."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (as above)
"A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"If a man does not make new acquaintance as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone. A man, Sir, should keep his friendship in constant repair."
- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784) British lexiographer.

Kamis, 04 November 2010


tell me






cheerruppp dudee

count it on


you smile i smile

heartt youuu


nothing impossible

ooppss,,,my badd
